KHAN Infotech provide total IT Solution in under one roof.we are best in computer and laptop repairs Servicing in Mumbai.We deal in Dell,lenova,HP,Acer,Sony repairs and Sevices .Aslo Hardware Servicing with Total Networking Solutions.We do Software installation and Antivirus Installation & Services.We are also dealing in second hand Desktop & laptop in affordale price.
We Extend our Service in Dealing German Technoly Fusion Fiber Splicer Machine For Fiber Optic and Also customised Webiste in well professional.Our moto is "Delivering Solution that run Smooth Business". We aim to provide excellent customer service with extensive product knowledge.
We are leading organization to offer our Esteemed clients to provide Quality computer Hardware Services.Our Skilled professional ensure the clients that the services ,provide by us is highly relaible and executed in an excellent manner, please do not hesitate to contact our experienced team who will be happy to assist your selection.
We are Dealing business of well known brands like Dell,lenova,HP,Acer,Sony,Eloik and we specialize in sales & service of Desktop, laptops. We also sell world best German Technology Fusion Splicer fiber optic machine.Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC)
1)Computer Hardware.2)Network Solution.3)Security and Survilliance.4)Splicer Machine.5)Web-Desining. KI always keep abreast with new technologies & emerging novel concept.